Saturday 29 June 2013

Dr. Dov Rand’s Specialized Treatments for Age-Related Diseases and Symptoms

Dr. Dov Rand, the founder of the Healthy Aging Medical Centers in West Orange, New Jersey, is a leading expert in the age management field practicing patient-focused medicine to help alleviate and counteract the many harmful effects and degenerative diseases associated with aging. Through the Center, Dr. Dov Rand is using cutting-edge new technologies and the newest research in the field of age management in order to provide his patients with the highest quality care. Dov Rand’s medical practice incorporates programs specializing in weight loss, bio-identical hormone replacement, and Yolo fat burning procedures. His vitamin therapies include IV vitamins as well as oral vitamins, and for patients seeking facial treatments, Dov Rand also provides Botox and Fillers. Functional medicine, food allergy programs, dysbiosis, and gut health programs are also all provided within the various treatment options at Dr. Dov Rand’s Healthy Aging Medical Center. Dov Rand treats perimonpause, menopause and andropause (low testosterone) at the Center, common hormone ailments experienced by people affected by aging-related health issues. Dov Rand also uses testosterone replacement therapy and antioxidant vitamins to treat hormone-related deficits and health issues.

Dov Rand’s emphasis in age management medical practice is rooted in new studies in the medical field that illustrate that, despite being some of the major causes of death and disability worldwide, degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease are largely preventable. Age management therapists seek to prevent degenerative diseases associated with aging and to help patients live longer, healthier, and more fulfilled lives, functioning and aging at the level of people who are 15-20 years younger with the help of new medical technology. Dov Rand’s medical practice helps patients balance hormone and metabolism levels, and optimizes the health and vitality of his patients. Patients report feeling great trust in Dr. Dov Rand’s abilities, particularly given his practice of maintaining connections with the newest research in the field, and his focus on exploring many options for treatment in addressing age-related degenerative and chronic diseases.

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