Tuesday 7 May 2013

Dr. Dov Rand Works on Anti-Aging Medicine

Dr . Dov Rand is an experienced doctor in patient care. He became a medical doctor over twenty years ago but broke into a new field of practice less than a decade ago. Just over 7 years ago, Dr. Dov Rand took an interest in anti-aging medicine and age management medicine.
People have complained about the aging process for years. They recognize that the aging process changes how they look and feel. Science and medicine have been working together to find a way to improve how people feel about aging. In many cases, this means using medicine to restore any imbalances or changes made through aging.

Dr. Dov Rand is a certified medical doctor with expertise and training in anti-aging medicine. He completed his training in Cenegenics or age management medicine in Las  Vegas in 2009. While not all doctors subscribe to the study of age management medicine, Dr. Dov Rand appreciates how people want to stay on top of their lives as they age.

Anti-aging medicine isn't about staying young and youthful forever but about remaining in charge of your life as you age. For some patients, this means Dr. Dov Rand helps them restore a youthful appearance. In other cases, Dr. Dov Rand uses weight loss programs or hormone therapy to ease the discomforts of aging and restore some of the balance they felt while younger.

Dr. Dov Rand continues to work on his professional credentials as an age management doctor. He recently passed his written boards in December of 2012. The completion of the oral boards were scheduled shortly afterward in 2013. In addition to completing the written and oral boards for his credentials as a doctor, Dr. Dov Rand is a member of the Anti Aging Medical Society. The group promotes the diagnoses, treatments, prevention, and research of age related diseases and anti-aging medication.

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